Northern Ireland
The Title Register (Folio) contains a brief description of the registered property and also details of its ownership and any other matters which affect it such as rights of way, mortgages etc
The title to approximately 50% of properties in Northern Ireland is registered in the Land Registry and the remaining properties are dealt with by the Registry of Deeds. Properties registered in the Land Registry (known as "registered land") are mainly rural areas or recent development estates on the periphery of towns, while most Registry of Deeds properties ("unregistered land") are in established urban areas.
As neither the Land Registry nor the Registry of Deeds is fully computerised, it is not always possible to make a search against a postal address.
Sample £49.99In case you cannot provide us with the property address or folio number you can use our digital map to find a land or property you would like us to search for.
This search reveals will provide the folio ifthe property is registered.
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Search Types
Besides the most common documents, i.e. the Title Register and Title Plan we offer several specialised searches for professionals, businesses and home buyers